Common Car Lock Out Scenarios And What You Should Do Getting locked out of your car is a frustrating experience. Trying different tricks to unlock your car can cause damage to it. Locking your keys in your vehicle is a common mistake many drivers make. In fact, it is the second most common mistake drivers make after running out of gas and is usually due to lack of attention and negligence. There are many different scenarios in which you might need to call a car lockout service. Read the following scenarios below to learn how you can prevent them and what you can do if you lose your car keys.

Breaking The Keys

Keys can sometimes break due to them either not being well-built or yourself when you apply too much force while opening your door. When you want to unlock your vehicle as fast as possible, you might break your keys in the process, and half of the key comes out in your hand while the other half is stuck in the car’s lock. This will lock you out of your car, so you won’t be able to go anywhere. Only a locksmith that has experience with car lockout services can help you in this situation and help you get your keys back by using their own tools. Therefore, if something like this happens, it is better to call a car locksmith as soon as possible instead of trying your own tricks and making the situation worse.

Forgetting Your Keys Inside

Another mistake many drivers make is that while getting out of their car, they leave their keys in the ignition and lock the car manually by pressing buttons on the doors. You might feel stupid that you can see your car’s keys, yet you can do nothing about it. This mistake purely happens out of lack of attention and negligence. One way to avoid this is to be attentive while getting out of your car and check that you have your keys every time you leave your car. Don’t hurry to lock your car. The situation can become even worse when the engine is running, and you are just going to grab something quickly. This will use up your fuel quickly. However, your muscle memory can help you here, build the habit of turning off your engine and then taking your keys out of the ignition, to prevent this mistake.

Losing The Keys

We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Sometimes you may lose your keys, and end up searching for them for hours. After looking for your keys in every place you have been to recently, if you still can’t find them hire a reliable locksmith.

How Can You Prevent A Car Lockout Situation?

To prevent car lockout situations, you can opt for the following measures.

Make A Habit

Make it a habit to double-check everything before you leave your car. Always keep your keys with you if you are getting out of your car. This will help you build muscle memory, so you won’t lose them again.

Call For Professional Help

If you have lost your car keys, call a professional car lockout company. They have the necessary tools and procedures that can help you recover your car keys in no time.

Have A Spare Set

Another wise thing you can do is to keep a spare set of keys at home. So, if you lose your keys, you can always call someone in your home to deliver those keys to you.

About Ontario Towing

Ontario Towing provides the most trustworthy, reliable, and around-the-clock car lockout services. We employ well-trained and qualified car locksmith specialists to provide our customers with safe, quick, and cost-effective 24-hour car lockout services using proper tools. Contact us here if you want any such services. Based in Ottawa, Ontario Towing specializes in premium towing, car lockout remedies, and advanced roadside help. Their extensive offerings, from mobile tire services to gas delivery and beyond, cater to both Ottawa and neighboring locales.

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