During the winter season, snowstorms and blizzards that severely disrupt the city’s regular routine are the norms. Nevertheless, drivers still groan in despair when winter approaches. The challenges this season ushers onto the Canadian roads clearly explain every vehicle owners’ dreads and fears, as these winter blizzards and storms lead to more cars being stuck on the road for long hours.
This kind of weather is not a surprise for the locals as they know that Canadian winters can be fierce. However, immigrants and tourists often struggle to overcome the difficulties such situations bring. To be fair, despite Canadians being familiar with the country’s surprising weather, the situation of being stranded on the road with a broken car in the middle of a snowstorm is equally as stressful for them.
Naturally, roadside assistance providers and tow truck companies are looked upon as glimpses of hope in such terrible weather. However, if these service providers are not careful enough, towing in the winter can result in further damage. The slippery roads with patches of ice after every few meters make towing even more dangerous. In addition, there is also the unclear and blurred vision that the snow brings, which can further complicate the problem.
As the most
trusted roadside assistance and towing service providers across Ontario, we precisely understand the difficulty of such circumstances. As a result, we shall use today’s blog to put forth some tips for tow truck drivers for efficient and vigilant towing in winter. Vehicle owners should also stay abreast of these tips to ensure that the towing service provider they hire follows these directions.
Tips To Avoid Mishaps During The Towing Process
Towing is not an easy process, and it requires special skills; thus, not everyone can do it on their own. There are various circumstances that pose a severe challenge to even the most experienced
tow truck drivers. One of such situations is towing when there is plenty of snowfall and ice on the roads. This kind of weather makes car drivers more prone to accidents or breakdowns. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the tow truck driver to avoid any further inconvenience. So, here are some tips to help you get ready for your winter towing escape.
1. Equip The Tow Truck With The Appropriate Tires
We all know that traction is absolutely essential to avoid slipping on the road. However, the accumulated ice in winter often renders regular tires useless in this regard. Hence, we often hear cases of an out-of-control vehicle that has slipped and collided with another one.
Although tow trucks are already equipped with tires that have a strong grip on the ground, it will greatly pay off to inspect them and check whether you need to swap with better ones. Since you will be towing another vehicle, your own truck should have a better clasp on the road for a smooth journey.
2. Wear Appropriate Clothing
Providers of
towing services need to be 100% attentive while performing their jobs. Hence, distractions of any kind should be avoided at all costs. Therefore, tow truck drivers should dress in such a way that they are least affected by the weather. Dressing according to the weather will ensure that they can comfortably devote all their attention towards safely towing a vehicle to its required destination.
3. Place Signs To Warn The Other Drivers
We often hear that one accident results in another, which is quite common in snowfall or rainy weather. To avoid such unfortunate events, the tow truck driver and vehicle owner must take the necessary measures to alert the approaching vehicles regarding the problem.
Remember that snowfall hinders a drivers’ vision. Hence, it would be best to resort to measures that can be noticed even in thick mist.
4. Drive As Slow As Possible
“He that is too much in haste, may stumble on a good road.”
This French proverb describes the result of haste on a good road. If the road is bad, the result would be even worse. Therefore, a professional tow truck driver should never rush matters. Drivers must maintain a slow and steady speed so that braking is easier. If you get stuck somewhere, carefully brainstorm the solution instead of accelerating the vehicle.
5. Say Alert And Avoid Distractions
As mentioned earlier, attention is the key to success in any towing process. Especially during the winter, remember that you are driving on a slippery road. You should never let anything distract you, even for a second. Distraction is your biggest enemy, and due diligence and vigilance are the only ways to defeat it.
About Ontario Towing
Ontario Towing is the top-rated and most dependable roadside assistance provider across Ontario. Our vast range of roadside services solves every need regardless of its complexity. So whether you are looking for fleet services or need assistance with boat towing,
get in touch with us to have it done with perfection.
Ontario Towing consistently delivers timely, reliable support to motorists. With their newly launched Ottawa’s Roadside Assistance program, they’re setting a higher benchmark, offering Ottawa residents enhanced roadside security and unmatched service quality